I have just spent half an hour reading how other knitting obsessed people store their stashes. This proves to me that I am a hopeless addict, as I am reading I am commenting in my head "NO! No! Store the pattern WITH the yarn!" I am sure I have the best method! Here is the thing. The yarn is the utmost important, but you must also have a pattern or an idea of what you want to do with that yarn, and to keep those two in sync is the key. I have many books, magazines and binders with patterns I have been collecting. I also have them all marked with stickies if I am really interested in making them. One binder has all of my "in progress" patterns so that is at hand all of the time. Matching yarn with a project is always an AHA! moment. Sometimes I buy yarn just because I like it and then I match it up with a pattern so I like to have a library of many patterns or an idea in my mind that I can create for all of the yarn that I have collected. I do not have a photo today, tomorrow I am going to take more photos of some projects. I am suffering terribly from allergies so I am moving slow.l Sorry!
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