
After the frenzy of the Maryland Sheep and wool Festival and the glut of yarn I came home to face I had to seriously think about organization of this massive, and growing pile of yarn, my stash, my security blanket, my treasure chest...but what good is it if every time I open the door I am met with a terrible clash of bags and boxes and piles of mismatched and disorganized mayhem? Enter...Ravelry. It is a website. Now the website itself cannot get you organized but it did help me get focused enough to start and to help direct me in ways. I spent the entire day on Sunday emptying out my yarn closet. I inventoried all of my yarn that has not been used. How much I have, what weight, where I bought it, how much I have. I put each in it's own bag. I stored it in cedar lined trunks. I also inventoried all of my projects that are in progress. These remain easily accessible in the yarn closet. I have all of the directions and patterns in a binder marked "In Progress" The hardest part so far is entering all of the information onto Ravelry, although, it is an amazing site, there are links to patterns so if the pattern is available online you can link to it, it is just really a techie-who-happens-to=knit's dream or conversely, a knitter-who-happens-to-be-a-techie's dream. You do have to ask to be invited to the site. The link is www.ravelry.combut once you are joined there is such a wealth of information and links and patterns and tips it is really worth the wait. And now I feel like I can handle another Sheep and Wool problem!


  1. I am sending you an article that was in the USA Today about Karen Allen who stars in the newest (and the earliest) Indiana Jones flick. She has been knitting since she was a child and has a shop (aka design studio) in Great Barrington Mass!


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