It has become a kind of tradition, we bring all of our treasures bought at the fair back to Steff's house and lay them all out for a beautiful photo op.
And here are my favorite little creatures, these two were so incredibly cute, I couldn't resist taking this picture while their necks were intertwined.
When I got home I immediately ripped apart my knitting closet and dug out all the projects that are partially done, motivated to work on finishing them up so I can start on some new!! This is the back of the Wilshire vest, I like the way it fits and the line of the cables.
The list of unfinished projects is too long to go into and I really should be knitting now!!
I did come home with more yarn than I should have, but I was so taken in by the handmade and hand dyed yarn at one of the booths that was run by Steff's friend. As the day went on it became extremely hot, the temperature was 90 degrees. We walked into a tent and the nicest older couple asked us if we wanted some ice tea. As we stood drinking cold, cold unsweetened tea and chatting with this couple, my eye was caught by some soft, baby pink mohair. Well, I was sold on the spot so I came home with this cotton candy mohair! It was a fabulous day, we tailgated in the parking field. Of course, we visited the basket ladies first, then made the rounds of all the yarn vendors.
The list of unfinished projects is too long to go into and I really should be knitting now!!
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