So not having had a lot of time to knit, it makes my fingers itch!  What gets in the way of knitting all the time? When I am with the kids in my knitting club at school, the focus is on watching them intently trying to maneuver the stitches on the needles, unraveling the yarn that is hopelessly tied into knots.  I day dream that I am on my couch expertly and smoothly clicking through another row of my latest project, watching it grow feeling the soapy yarn slipping through my fingers!
My knitting Club did participate in a "Club Fair" night where we displayed our hard work.  The night was a success and it was fun to see everyone appreciate the kids knitting.

Here are some of the little monsters I am trying to teach the kids to make.  They are crocheted and are a big hit at school.  Problem?  The kids want me to make them for them!
My favorite picture so far, my socks on display on the grass in front of the Eiffel Tower!  Thanks Steff for sending me this wonderful shot...and these of the vest I made.  This yarn is so soft, I loved working with it.  I am so glad you are wearing it!  Enjoy!

Here is an interesting thing that came to me from Anita, I inherited some of her knitting things when she passed away.  this is a circular needle made of Bakelite.  It is very stiff and the points are very sharp so it is not that easy to knit with but it has a beautiful mellow color and patina, I just keep it with all of my knitting things and remember that there is a long history to knitting.
This is an attempt to use some of my little bits of left over sock yarn.  I liked the way the stitches look almost like a woven piece, but it is very labor intensive so i have put it aside.  Will I ever finish this?  I am not really sure, I do not need another scarf, really.  I am already eyeing a pair of fair isle socks using leftover sock yarn.  We'll see.  Meanwhile, i am going to continue to work on my short rows sweater.  I want to emulate my knitting friend, Judy, and stick to one project (or maybe two) at a time.
