I just loved Copenhagen. On our meanderings we, of course, visited some yarn shops, this one was the favorite, Sommerfuglen. I was told that meant Butterfly, I thought that was really cute. I did NOT buy anything here, I have vowed to not buy indiscriminately and only when I have an idea of what I am going to knit with said yarn.
I was absolutely entranced by the bicycles in Copenhagen. Everyone rides bikes. Even with dresses and business attire, everyone is riding. No one wears a helmet. No one wears fancy racing bike gear. There are bikes everywhere and you are cautioned NOT to stand in the BIKE LANES!! You will seriously get run over. Everyone heeds the traffic laws and does not walk without the walk signal. All the signals also have an audio component so this is another reminder to be careful.
This is a really great photo that Norma took of "rush hour" in Copenhagen. This is across the street from our hotel. Actually, I see two people with helmets, they must be tourists Hahaha.
For all the photos of the trip, click HERE
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